Studio Construction
MovieBox have identified the old Superbock Brewery site as an ideal location. The size of
the site is big enough to develop an International Film Studio and it has a number of
unique characteristics which make it an ideal location.
A lot of the existing infrastructure and buildings will be kept and reworked to be used as
offices, workshops and catering facilities. The sound stages and specialist stages (VFX
and dive tanks/water stages) will be new builds.
In addition movieBox will seek to secure options to purchase surrounding land to enable
expansion in the future.
The studios will incorporate multiple sound stages of differing sizes. It
is planned to construct 3 sound stages of approximately 3000, 2000, and 1500 square
metres which will be adequate to accommodate film, television, and
commercial productions.
The water tanks that were necessary when the site was a brewery are ideal to allow us
to construct internal and external stages.
Alongside the stages, many of the existing buildings will be refurbished to turn them into
workshops and administration buildings to accommodate all of the ancillary services
that are required to run a fully operational International Film Studio complex with a
comprehensive Post Production, VFX facility.
We have agreed the engagement of professional teams who have been involved with
the design and build of other studios around the world who will work with us to ensure
the studios are built to the highest standard and will be of an accredited quality
necessary to meet the demands of the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America)
which will attract top productions to Portugal.